Gay sex scenes movies tumblr

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But neither were ever aimed at broad audiences like Rocketman and were released by specialty labels - Brokeback Mountain by Focus Features and Call Me by Your Name by Sony Pictures Classics. Shelter (2007) Ah, Shelter one of the most beloved gay romances of recent years, it also features a rhapsodically sweet love scene the first time that its gay surfer dude. In the ’70s and early ’80s, gay male sex occasionally popped up in films from companies that might be comparable to a Paramount today. TUMBLR GAY SEX SCENES SERIALįor instance, United Artists backed the 1980 Al Pacino thriller Cruising, about a serial killer targeting gay men. But in recent decades, the prospect of major studios depicting steamy gay sex has become a nonstarter. Fox’s Bohemian Rhapsody didn’t feature any despite the fact that its protagonist, Freddie Mercury, was bisexual and died of AIDS-related complications. The 1982 Harry Hamlin starter Making Love also broke ground at the time for depicting a gay male couple.

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